Grade 5
Jamaria just completed her first year in the program. Her coach says, “Jamaria is very helpful, focused, and accountable during our academic station. She has impressed me with her maturity inside and outside of the classroom. She has shown determination in this first year of being on the basketball team and is a very motivated individual. We are so grateful to have her as a part of our program!”
Jamaria is a model student when it comes to academics. She’s at reading and math proficiency for her grade level, but that does not stop her from pushing herself to excel further. She was awarded the American Legion Award this year. This award is determined by a rubric that encompasses standardized test scores, student involvement in activities, and positive behavior choices. Jamari’s principal, Mrs. Chris Nugent said, “Jamaria has always been a good student. As she has matured, it has been fun to watch her leadership skills grow in a positive way.”
Jamaria’s mother also added that, “she is more outgoing, social, and has enjoyed making new friends at the Dream Center. She really loves being a part of a team at the Center. Being at the center has helped her build more confidence in herself as far as trying new things.”